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tv   Jansing and Co.  MSNBC  July 12, 2011 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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good morning. i'm chris jansing. you probably know this. it is one of those sticky, unbearable days that air conditioners were made for. temperatures are expected to rise above 100 degrees in about 16 different states today. with the heat index, it's even hotter than hot, which is beyond uncomfortable. and potentially deadly. nbc meteorologist bill karins is here. what exactly do we have in store today? >> this wouldn't be the big deal if this is the only day, but this is day after day the spring into the summer. then let's pile on a top of humidity. that gets to the people and aggravates everyone. this is where the center of the heat is. right over the top of the eastern half of the country with the exception not being up in the great lakes. this is already the heat index. what time is it? it's 10:00. we are at 105 already in
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louisville. areas of memphis, nashville and st. louis are right behind. the worst has been centered over the ohio river valley and southern indiana. later today, this is my forecast heat index. this is how hot i'm predicting it's going to get. the worst is up here with the dew points at the highest. we are thinking 110 in louisville, 110 in nashville. i've got my money on 115 in memphis as the hottest heat index in the country. it goes from oklahoma city to the east coast. this is one of the first humid days we had from new york to deep, deep baltimore, raleigh. you go down the coast with no exceptions. this is historic in oklahoma city. we now had 13 days in a row between 100 and 110. the record goes back to 1936. that's the dust bowl. that's when things were miserable in the middle of the country. here is the five-day forecast for oklahoma city. this isn't going anywhere any time soon. we'll get a break in the east.
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the middle of the country, the heat is going to get worse before it gets better, if you can imagine that. >> thank god for air conditioning. more on the heat coming up. presidential candidate michele bachmann made fighting gay marriage one of her defining issues. wait until you see the new video discovered by michael isikoff. it doesn't seem like democrats and republicans are closer to a deal. the scene is starting to look familiar. congressional leaders sitting around in the cabinet room. 90 minutes after the door closes, the only agreement is to meet again with the president pushing hard for an agreement. >> it's not going to get easier. it's going to get harder. we might as well do it now. pull off the band-aid, eat our peas. now is the time to do it. if not now, when? >> eat your peas.
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kristin welker live at the white house for us. is there any sense any progress is being made during these talks? >> reporter: in some ways it seems like the two sides are farther apart than ever. one official with knowledge of the discussions on monday described them as mildly contentious though respectful. really, not a lot of progress made yesterday. here is what did happen. republicans identified about $1.5 trillion in deficit reductions over the next decade. the problem with that figure, it doesn't get you close to $2.4 trillion in deficit reductions needed to get the debt ceiling raised through 2012. the president made it very clear he is not going to sign off on anything that doesn't get them through 2012. president is saying both sides need to take on their sacred cows. he is saying it will involve some political pain, urging democrats to come to the table over social security, medicare. republicans need to come to the
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table over rolling back tax breaks for wealthy americans, large corporations. he made it clear yesterday that that wouldn't happen, those changes to the taxes wouldn't take place until 2013. speaker boehner was quick to fire back. he said we are not going to support anything that looks like a tax increase in this economy. as you know, unemployment ticked up to 9.2%. republicans digging their heels in on that issue. the question is how is this going to play out? president obama is painting himself as the adult in the room as you played that eat your peas downed bite. pill this pay off in the end if he doesn't get a deal done, if republicans don't give on the issue of taxes, it could wind up backfiring. as we look ahead today, president congressional leaders are going to meet again late this afternoon. the president urged congressional leaders to try to identify at least $1 trillion more in deficit reductions over the next decade. we'll have to see if they make
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any progress towards that today. we will be monitoring those talks very closely and bring all of the details to you when we get them. >> thank you so much. joining me now is keith ellison, co-chair of the caucus talks. how do you think the talks are going? >> i'm proud the president and congressional leaders are continuing to talk. if you don't talk, you can't get anywhere. the fact vice president biden and president obama are sticking and staying and trying to be reasonable is positive. >> the president said it's not enough to talk. you have to be willing to give up some sacred cows. you pledged not to vote with any deal with cuts to medicare or medicaid. do you stand by that? >> i do. only thing the republicans are willing to do is stick by protecting the tax breaks for the wealthiest americans. at the end of the day, there are a lot of revenue enhancers they have yet to be able to do.
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we are talking about taking subsidies from big oil and people on their corporate jets. these are reasonable things when we are asking americans to shave off and give up very important programs that actually make america a great country. >> let me play for you a little more of what the president said yesterday and ask you about it on the other side. >> there is frankly resistance on my side to do anything on entitlements. there is strong resistance on the republican side to do anything on revenues. if each side takes a maximalist position, we can't get anything done. >> that's the point he's been pounding at. is he right? are the progressives and the tea party, those on the far right and the far left really the problem here? >> no. the fact is people in the
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progressive caucus are trying to protect social security which does not contribute to the deficit. social security does not contribute to the deficit. it's not a deficit driver. why is it on the table? shouldn't be. the fact is we are trying to avert defaulting on america's debt. progressive caucus members voted to raise the debt cerealing in a clean vote just a few weeks ago. we are about protecting american america's economy and talking about putting americans back to work. we are pushing a pro-job agenda and asking the weltiest americans to do their fair share. we are not the ones obstructing here. we support the president's efforts to negotiate. the reality is that social security doesn't contribute to the deficit. why are we trying to gauge and change that at a time when a default is looming our country. >> is that your message to the president? is your message give on other things? both sides have to give and you agree on that. what is that you think you as a
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progressive would be willing to give on? >> i would be very supportive of allowing medicare to negotiate drug prices, which would literally add tens of billions of dollars to filling in that debt hole. i also would say, let's get out of these and do things that make sense. ask these folks to fay their pair share from the oil industry, big pharma. these are what progressive caucus would be willing to support. >> congressman keith ellison, great to have you on. >> thank you. there are a lot of personalities in that negotiating room where the decisions are being made. it's peers the top two republicans might not be on the same page. house of representatives john boehner and eric cantor have been down playing the division between them. here is what chris van hollen said about the speaker. >> i don't want to get the speaker in trouble. clearly, he was willing to make tough decisions, compromises,
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which is what's going to be necessary in order to really get the deficit and debt under control and get the economy moving again. he clearly had his legs cut out from under him by members of his own caucus. >> joining me former rnc chairman and msnbc political analyst michael steele and former al gore press secretary kiki mcclain. is that what's going on here? are members of his own caucus cutting off john boehner at the knees? >> i don't think so. there is a little of that going on both sides. last week nancy pelosi came out and clearly defined for the president what she would not do. you just heard the congressman as a progressive in the house pretty much say the same thing. the things that the president wants to deal with on the debt restructuring and deficit issue, they don't want to touch. you have the same thing happening on the republican side. there are some very, very strong views about whether or not we go down the road of addressing this
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through tax policy at this point in time or spending policy. i think it's a legitimate discussion in both caucuses at this point. >> is it a legitimate discussion begin how close we are, kiki, down to the wire here? is that a little bit of good cop/bad cop, so they are trying to use it as a negotiating strategy or are there real divisions? >> i don't get the impression there is good cop/bad cop here. what michael said lays out the whole problem. it looks like most of mr. boehner's caucus is looking at this as an either/or approach on spending and taxes. what the president has said is this is a big moment. it requires a big answer and requires both. you can't move forward with a big plan and real solution with either/or. it's i all got to be on the table. that's the problem mr. boehner is feeling right now. there are groups in this caucus, particularly followers of mr. cantor who say we are not doing that. we don't believe everything should be on the table. there comes a point in time
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where you want this solved and you don't. those people not cooperate doing not want this solved. >> let me play what the president had to say about john boehner yesterday. take a listen. >> i think speaker boehner has been sincere about trying to do something big. my experience with john boehner has been good. i think he's a good man who wants to do right by the country. i appreciate speaker boehner's good faith efforts on that front. >> what is the president doing there? >> i think he's being honest about a guy he's gotten to know, but that doesn't change the fact that this is not something boehner has been able to deliver this week. in fact, it is those members of the caucus, the problem caucus who have got to decide they are going to be there for the big moment. have a real plan, real spending. who would have thought a republican you can k us would turn their nose up at a plan that might bring $4 trillion worth of cuts? i don't think anybody thought that would be the case. the fact they are not willing to
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come to the table means they are looking at their own short-term political survival rather than long-term problem-solving. >> is there some of that going on, michael? >> i think you're selling it short there. when you look at what's going on in the caucus, when you talk about what the democrats are putting on the table, there is a lot of history here, as well. a lot of members, new members especially feel republicans have gotten burned in the past when they've gone down this road on promises of cutting spending for just a little bit of tax increase right now. we always get the tax increase but never see the spending get to where it was promised at the time negotiated. i think what you're seeing is congress saying, fine, we'll do that dance, but we put the spending on the table first. we want to know we are going to lock in those spending cuts before we go down the road of saying the taxes will go up. we know once the taxes go up, they don't necessarily go down. >> kiki is not buying it. >> i'm not buying it when you
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look at the tax deal that got cut in december and what the democrats and president gave on that. i'm not buying it because i heard other republicans on tv say the same thing which tells me it's a bullet. >> it's not a bullet, it's a fact. >> when a deal is cut and those characteristic qualities and elements of the deal are made public, there is not room for back-pedalling. this is a moment we have in america. we can go big and address this problem or kick the road down the alley. >> that has to be the last word. michael steele, thank you so much. kiki mcclain good to see you. jobless numbers have been dismal. meet a member of congress trying to get new jobs for many of america's bravest. senator gillibrand is next. why are republicans spending so much time fighting for light bulbs? richard lui has the answer to this. >> the right to buy the bulb you
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huntsman may be moving into attack mode. he started jabbing at mitt romney on his jobs record. >> when you look at the absolute increase increases in job creation, america led the way to the united states in job creation. that contrasted with other states like massachusetts that pull out randomly. not first, but 47th. >> still undeclared for president, texas governor rick perry is hoping to keep his hopes alive. he is attending a big two-day summit with 200 big-money donors. some have not picked a horse in
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the 2012 race. for new york city mayor rudy giuliani, expecting to make his decision soon. as bad as the national unemployment rate is, 9.2%, it's much worse among veterans. 11.5% of those who served since 9/11 are out of work. for 18 to 24-year-old male vets it's nearly 22%. that disturbing trend is the trigger for new legislation. new york senator kristen gillibrand joins me now. >> good to talk to you. >> what do you think can be done to fix this? those numbers are horrifying. >> they are terrible. if 1-5 of our young vets are out of work, we need to do something about it. this bill gives them more training before they separate from the military, which would allow them to have access to job training, resume writing and
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learning to interview. it helps them to translate what they learned in the military to the kind of work employers want. if somebody is a tank operator, an employer might not know what that means. if he define that as expert in hydraulics or expert in electronics, he might have access to different jobs. we want to make it easy to transition into the work place. we want to find grant programs to help these veterans. we are going to create a follow-up program over the first year or two to make sure these veterans find their way to a good job. >> i'm wondering why this happens? we would think even in a poor job market employers would try to open their arms to veterans. these numbers are so high, what's going on here? >> well, there's a couple of things. these are the youngest vets. so they haven't been in the work force before they were in the military. this may be their first job they are applying for. second, it's also about how to translate what they learned in the military into real world
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experience that employers need. the important message, you need an employee who is going to show up on time and work very dedicated and very determined. these are some of the best workers in the world. we have some of the best and brightest that are eager to provide for their families. we want to make sure we give them the schools they need. we are going to make it easier to apply for some jobs. for example, if you want to apply for a federal job the way the system is now, you have to wait until after you separate and become a veteran to apply with the v.a. now we apply them to apply straight from the military before they separate. just creating more tools and easier way to transition will help these young veterans get the leg up they need to get jobs to provide for their families. >> let me ask you turn turning the tables a little bit about the debt deal. you were on "hard baball" last k talking about the lack of elected women at the table. do you think if more women were
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at the bargaining table, we might be better off and closer to a deal? >> well, i think we need more women period involved in politics. we need more women's voices. more women making decisions for this country. the reality is when women's voices are heard, we can enhance the debate. we often can help reach better decisions. we still only have 17% in the senate, less than that in the house. this was the first time in 30 years that the number of women elected went down. i think we need this call to action nationally to get more women engaged, more women voting, more women advocates, more women lobbying, more women elected. so they are at the table helping to make these decisions. women do enhance every debate because they have a different perspective and different way of solving problems. >> senator kristen gillibrand, great to have you on the show. >> thank you. new questions about a controversial counseling treatment for patients who might be gay. these involve presidential candidate michele bachmann and her husband marcus.
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michael isikoff has the story next. >> mark and jennifer were riding through france and had a great meal discovered it was due to the special salt used. they brought it back and sold it in their portland, oregon, store the meadow. word of mouth brought in customers, famous chefs and expansion to new york city. what's up, smart? oh, just booked a summer vaycay. ooo. sounds pricey? nah, with the summer sale, you can find awesome deals for places nearby. interesting... wow, i'm blown away. you look great. summer sale, save up to 30%. and get a free kindle. be smart. book smart.
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some serious questions being raised today about the christian counseling center. there is a new investigation from michael isikoff. what did you find out? >> recent fund-raising letter, michele bachmann touted her role helping to run a family counseling center. a secret videotape which raises questions about how the senator treats patients who might be gay is creating new questions and controversy for bachmann. 26-year-old john becker sought help from the therapists at bachmann associates, the christian counseling center owned by congresswoman michele bachmann and her psychologist husband marcus bachmann. >> i wanted to be red of my system-sex attractions and my
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homosexuality. >> in five one-hour sessions i secretly taped, a clinical therapist advised him how to become straight through counseling prayer and scripture. >> any time i felt the temptation to act out homosexually or had homosexual thoughts to pray about it, take it to the bible. >> reporter: becker wanted to prove that the bachmann clinic uses a controversial technique called reparative therapy. >> the truth is god has designed our eyes to be attracted to the woman's body, to be attracted to, you know, everything, you know, to be attracted to her breasts. >> reporter: the gay cure therapy is repudiated by the american psychological association. in the past, marcus bachmann has denied his clinic uses such practices. the becker video could raise new questions about the clinic and candidate michele bachmann's views on homosexuality. from her first days as a state senator in minnesota, bachmann led the charge for a ban on
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same-sex marriage. >> if this actually goes on the ballot, it will pass overwhelmingly. >> reporter: the controversial 2004 speech she compared what she called the gay lifestyle to slavery. >> if you're involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it's bondage. it is personal bondage. personal despair and personal enslavement and that's why this is so dangerous. >> reporter: comments such as these alarmed some gop strategists and many gay republicans. >> congresswoman bachmann's view points on gay and lesbian americans is on the fringe. more and more americans believe and accept their gay neighbors, families, friends, colleagues, are just who they are. >> reporter: analysts say her uncompromising views on homosexuality are one of the big reasons she is gaining traction in iowa. just last week she reenforced her message by becoming the first gop presidential candidate to sign a controversial marriage vow that pledgees vigorous
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opposition to same-sex marriage. she also vowed to push for a federal marriage amendment to the u.s. constitution. we asked the bachmann campaign for comment on this story. a spokesperson says it is a christian counseling sent their provides services to paper with a variety of counseling and mental health issues and refused to discuss the specifics of in and any other case citing patient confidentiality. but did say, "the clinic honors and respects all people for whatever issue they come in for. if is there a conflict, they refer it elsewhere." >> fascinating stuff. thank you, michael. rupert murdoch's media empire lost $7 million since the phone-tapping scandal. now the media magnate and his son have been summoned to appear before parliament. bright idea or dim bulbs? some republicans are fighting that over a light bulb bill signed into law by george w. bush. it moves effortlessly, breathes easily. it flows with clean water.
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a brutal heat wave is making for a steamy and unbearable day and treacherous one, too. extreme heat is the number one weather killer in the u.s., claiming more lives than tornados, floods, even hurricanes. maria is in the thick of the heat in st. louis. what's it like out there? >>. >> reporter: it's hot. it's early in the morning and heating up quite a bit. we are in a city park and they have fountains here. kids are here in their bathing suits doing the best they can to stay cool. with the humidity here, it is expected to feel like 115 degrees today. a scorcher. the east coast is bracing itself. advisories have been issued up and down the eastern seaboard from georgia to connecticut. the fact is it won't let up. oklahoma city is facing its 13th
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day, almost two weeks now of temperatures in the hundreds. they're not alone. dallas is facing its 11th day of temperatures in the 100s. this is a sizzling summer streak that doesn't want to let up. it's not just uncomfortable and sticky and oppressive. it can be down-right dangerous. a man in illinois over the weekend suffered a fatal heat stroke when the air conditioning in his mobile home broke. emergency workers are telling people, if you don't have air conditioning, go someplace cool. they are reminding people to take their pets with them. they are vulnerable to heat stroke just as we are. you have to be conscious of what you're feeling. there are specific symptoms of heat exhaustion you need to be alert for. those are nausea, throbbing headache and a high body temperature. anything above 103 degrees. if you're having those symptoms you need to seek help. it's a scorcher for here and us. for the men and women overseas, the temperatures in kandahar, afghanistan today, 106 and baghdad 117.
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these are conditions they've been working under for years. >> unbelievable with all that heavy gear. thanks, mara. good luck out there. u.s. stocks are flat after taking a beating yesterday. it comes as financial instability grows in europe with mounting concern that greece will default and new fears that italy could be next. nicole lapham joining me. for all of us afraid to look at our 401(k) statement, what is the prognosis? >> you can look. we are still higher for the month. we are still higher for the year. we are up for the third straight day. we dealt with greece. we've been flat. when i came in early this morning we were off significantly in terms of futures. we narrowed down a little bit because we are still hopeful there is going to be a resolution. greece was small potatoes compared to what italy could be. then the risk of contagens in
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the likes of spain and portugal. we heard spain failed some of those stress tests. we are looking at bank stress tests closely out of europe. >> let's talk about something different. stock for news corp down 7% yesterday. new allegations other of the papers, rupert murdoch's papers were part of this hacking scandal. they are dragging him in before parliament. what's the late west this story? >> the idea is that it's not isolated to news of the world any more. we are concerned how far the disease is going to spread in the news corps world. news corps is flat but implications to the takeover of bskyb and in terms of "the sunday times" or scotland yard that these are going to go. how far can you cut off a disease before you kill the patients.
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>> let's talk about doughnuts. dunkin' donuts thought to make a big move. >> there's one dunkin' donuts for about every 10,000 people in america. >> seems like one. >> there is one in every corner. they are planning to go public. this could add some of those animal spirits back into the marketplace. this doesn't only include donuts, my friend. it includes ice cream, as well. baskin-robins is part of this. for franchisees going public is hard. you have all of that scrutiny. we are concerned about jobs there. we are concerned about where it's going to price. i lost you at donuts, i think. >> i went to dunkin' donuts university one time. here is the lesson out of that. they're learning to make the donuts. don't go on the first couple of weeks. it takes a while to learn to make the donuts. note to self in case you should go.
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nicole lapin, thank you so much. moments ago we heard from house speaker boehner. he said that the president talks a good game but when it comes to it, that he can't pull the trigger. >> here is the president's plan. when is he going to lay his cards on the table? this debt limit increase is his problem. i think it's time for him to lead by putting his plan on the table something the congress can pass. >> house democrats are saying republicans need to be part of an adult conversation both sides back at the table 3:45 eastern time. the brother of afghan president hamid karzai has been assassinated in his own home by a bodyguard hired by the taliban. president karzai says his brother's death is a pain he shares with all afghans. the taliban statement says karzai was, "punished for all
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his wrong doing." a mid-air miracle. two small planes flying over an alaskan mountain corridor. they managed to land safely. the cessna hit the tail of a piper navajo. no one was hurt. this is unregulated air space. it's the land space walk of the shuttle era. it's not "atlantis" astronauts conducting it. space station residents are venturing out to remove a broken pump. the 13-day flight by "atlantis" is the last for nasa's 30-year long shuttle program. michelle obama and three former first ladies among those heading to california for betty ford's funeral today. a second funeral will be held on thursday in michigan where she will be buried after a private service at the gerald ford museum. mrs. ford who is the widow of the former president died at age 93. rumors of the death of hugh hefner had been circulating on twitter and facebook. they are not true.
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how the "playboy" mogul is responding in 15 minutes. house republicans are calling for a law that would block a scheduled phaseout of traditional light bulbs signed into law by george w. bush back in 2007. richard lui has the story for us. what is going on here? >> good morning, chris. republicans are now going pro-choice when it comes to light bulbs. >> if you're al gore and want to spend 10 buck as light bulb, more power to you. let people make their own choices. why in the world is the federal government have to tell people what kind of lights to use in their home? >> leading a repeal of that light bulb energy requirement, the bulbs need to be 30% more efficient in 2012 which means your everyday light bulb can't do that.
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barton thinks we lose a familiar choice. democrats disagree. >> compact fluorescents now, you don't have to buy them january 2012. you have more choice, not less. >> republicans say the law amounts to a banff these bulbs. energy secretary stephen chu says it's not a ban. they will disappear off the shelves. technology cannot reduce energy use by 30%. these on this side can do it. cfl, l.e.d., new incandescent. all are more expensive when you take a look at the cost, two to 70 times more than today's 100 watt bulb.
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opponents say these bulbs will save consumers over $12 billion. nevertheless, barton says his repeal or to repeal the law, the government is a moment from telling us which bulb to buy and to leave it to personal choice and leave it to the markets. will his repeal pass today? because it needs democratic support, it looks dim. >> that's not a pun either. >> i would never put that in. >> you got it on a technicality. my favorite story of the day. this afternoon president obama will award the medal of honor to one brave army ranger. sergeant first class arthur petbury. he risked his life to save his fellow soldiers in afghanistan. i'm joined by retired army colonel jack jacobs. always good to see you, my friend. sell us about sergeant petry. what did he do? >> he was a ranger, elite group
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of army soldiers. he was with a unit conducting what i consider to be one of the more, if not the most difficult of all tactical operations and that is a daylight raid. out of the cover of darkness. it has to be done now, you have no other choice. special operations like these kinds of things have been making life difficult for the taliban in afghanistan. >> what happened to him is like something out of a movie and maybe a bad movie. suddenly he finds himself with a live grenade that lands near him, right? >> he's already been wounded. he has been shot through both legs. all his buddies were killed or wounded. he's trying to rescue a fellow also shot this time in the chest right through the ribs. brought him to safety under constant fire. a grenade landed from the enemy. to throw a grenade you have to
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be really close. threw it back. then another grenade landed. you've got to get it out of there. picked it up. as he was releasing the grenade to save his friends, it detonat detonated, blew off his hand, put a tournequette on the stump. and continued to fight. >> our congratulations not only to sergeant petry but also his family who must be very, very proud today. one lucky marine has a big date for the ball. his name is sergeant scott moore. he is stationed in afghanistan. he makes this bold internet appeal to his favorite actor, inviting her to go to the marine corps ball with him. >> mila, sergeant moore, you can
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call me scott. want to take a moment out of my day to invite you to the marine corps vote with yours truly. take a second, think about it. get back to me. bye now. >> who could resist that? it took convincing by her friends with benefits co-star justin timberlake, but in the end she said yes. target and help repair damage in just 3 washes. for softer, stronger... ... hair with life. [ female announcer ] nourish plus. only from aveeno. for softe♪ stronger... ... hair with life. ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing purina one beyond
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a new food for your cat or dog. with new extra-strength bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles, enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief to the site of pain. it's clinically proven to relieve pain twice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin.
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dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic center recommends the custom-fit orthotic that's best for your tired feet. foot-care scientists are behind it. you'll get all-day relief. for your tired achy feet.
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for locations, see thank you... is now honey nut cheerios! yup, america's favorite. so we're celebrating the honey sweetness, crunchy oats and... hey! don't forget me!! honey nut cheerios. make it your favorite too! moderate to intense exercise may help prevent silent strokes. researchers found seniors who regularly did moderate to intense exercise were 40% less likely to have silent strokes than those who did not exercise regularly. american adults are increasingly turning to the bank of mom and dad for extra cash,
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causing parents to put off retirement. a survey out today shows a whopping 70% of americans, 55 and older, expect they'll need to help their adult children financially. i'm joined live by jean chatzky, financial editor for nbc's "today." love having you in. >> i'm good. >> isn't this a reversal of the way it used to be. >> we used to assume kids would help their parents. you're looking at a generation of adult kids who are there are
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work-arounds. and not to borrow. >> when you look at the numbers. >> ballpark retirement estimator.
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>> jean chatzky, thank you so much. hugh hefner much put to rest the rumors that he had died twittering, "i am very much alive." th geico's multi-policy discount. geico, saving people money on more than just car insurance. ♪ geico, saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ look at that car, well, it goes fast ♪ ♪ givin' my dad a heart attack ♪ [ friend ] that is so awesome. ♪ i love my car [ engine revving ] [ male announcer ] that first chevy, yea, it gets under your skin. ♪
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a baseball, a 4-year-old golfer and miss south carolina. the gloves came off at a minor league baseball game last night. players for the spokane indians and rangers started flowing punches after one player bumped into the other. the night before, the benches cleared after an argument but only words not fists made contact. those guys may be backing out, but this young golfer holds his own.
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little ben, 4 years old. did you see that swing? he's too young to compete in tournaments so he takes golfing classes with 15 year olds instead. he is right on cue against child obesity. kids under the age of 5, even kids who can't walk yet saying they should be active for at least three hours a day. miss south carolina lost 110 pounds before she won her crown. the beauty queen said she lost weight by eating healthy food and working out. >> i did it. i did it all on my own. i did it for myself. and i'm just so thankful to have this platform and to share my success story with everyone. >> good for her. arnold schwarzenegger self-imposed acting hiatus didn't last long. he'll get back in the saddle in a western called "last stand" playing a small town border sheriff. filming starts in september.
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140 characters could earn you $37,000. the university of iowa's business college giving applicants the option to tweet instead of writiing an essay. best tweet wins tuition for a year. do you remember when whiteout was your best friend? >> whiteout. you're old enough to remember whiteout? >> can you imagine how tweeting, how awesome that is? you have spell check and 140 characters? that's real money. almost $40,000. good to know. >> i like this, by the way. >> thank you. i was getting made fun up for my pocket square. >> i think it's very stylish. to the news. >> to the news. a lot going on this morning. the overtly intense bargaining continues in washington over the debt ceiling and compromise. it doesn't seem likely democrats and republicans are any closer to a deal. we'll talk about that. then, is dr. marcus bachmann praying away the gay?
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an eye-opening undercover investigation onto his christian counseling clinic. the clinic's claims with therapy for gays and lesbians. a look at the week ahead. ies to stay ahead of her class. morning starts with arthritis pain... that's two pills before the first bell. [ bell rings ] it's time for recess... and more pills. afternoon art starts and so does her knee pain, that's two more pills. almost done, but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve because it can relieve pain all day with just two pills. this is lisa... who switched to aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels.
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